Another strategy wont save you.

A fellow coach asked me yesterday what the most common problem I help women with is.

She was expecting it to be something like how to market your business or the best strategy to get clients. 

But that's honestly about 10% of the work I do. 

The problem I help women entrepreneurs with most, is self trust. 

Often when women start a business they go out and get a list of things to do and a basic strategy thinking that if they just follow it, then their business will be a success. 

And in most cases that would be true!

Except they don't actually follow the strategy

They don't do the things that would create their success.  99.9% of the time it sounds like…

“I don't have enough time”

“I have too much else on my plate”

“I need another course / certification / training before I’m ready”

All of these are smokescreens. Reasonable sounding justifications that hide the real issue. 

“I don’t think I can do this.”

“I’ve never done it before.”

“What if people judge me?”

“What if I fail?”

“What if people get mad at me?”

“I don’t know what to do.”

“I’m not good enough.”

These are the voices of mistrust. The things I hear most from women before they are able to believe in themselves, and from my clients when we first start working together

And if you think about the things that YOU would like to be doing or achieving that you just can't seem to get any momentum on… listen very closely beyond your first layer of excuses.

You’ll hear these sentences. You’ll hear the fears that stop you from moving forward. 

So take a moment to really check in with yourself before you decide you need a new strategy or that maybe being a successful business owner isn't for you. 

Find the real reason, then get to work on challenging your fears and building unshakable trust in yourself.


Someone was going to get slapped, and other stories about the patriarchy.


Comparison is the thief of potential.